On the road

On the road

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Honor Flight DFW profiles and interviews

Curtis was drafted into the US Army and arrived for induction on January 13, 1943. He was 23 years old.
Upon graduating from basic training, Curtis was trained as a chemical warfare specialist.
Curtis was assigned to the 87th Chemical Warfare Service. Due to the horrendous losses during WWI to the effects of poison gas, many nations signed a treaty declaring that poison gas would never be used in warfare again. However tear gas was used on both the Allied and Axis sides during WWII. Also, there was the ever present threat that poison gas would be used. The Nazi’s of course used Zylcon B poison gas during the Holocaust. The Japanese experimented with chemical agents on civilians and  Allied prisoners of war including American’s during the war.
Curtis‘s   unit was attached to the 4th Infantry Division known as “The Ivy Division.” This division was activated on June 3, 1940. It was sent overseas on January 18, 1944 and was 299 days in combat. The division participated in the campaigns in Normandy, Central Europe, Northern France, the Rhineland, and the Ardennes-Alsace region.
Curtis participated in the allied landings in Normandy on June 6, 1944.
He attained the rank of Sergeant and was discharged on October 24, 1945.     

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